
Solve the mystery of Kate's misfortune by exploring a static scene. In this non-interactive explorable your only means of advancement are panning and zooming to reveal detail.

Made in four days for the GMTK Game Jam 2024, using Sveltekit. Pls refresh a few times (2-3) if it doesn't work thx <3   Sveltekit seems to not be the best option to make itch.io embedded games. (╥﹏╥)


  • Hint 1 The phone on the ground at Barbie's shows that Kate possibly sent something to her mother before the incident. Go to the park to find her.
    Hint 1.2 The picture on the phone of Kate's mother shows that Kate was with someone else as suggested by the two glasses at the bar. The other person finished their cocktail really fast unlike Kate. There's more to see in the park.
  • Hint 2 In the park there's a boy with a dog.
    Hint 2.2 Based on his notifications, he lives in Mariland 5*. (The last digit is obscured by his thumb.) The other digit is hidden elsewhere.
  • Hint 3 Locate the police station.
    Hint 3.2 The officer is holding documents displaying the address Mariland 24 floor 3. Locate June's flat.
    Hint 3.3 In the room we see a sheet showing a way to encrypt messages. And a laptop suggesting we should look near Billton.
    Hint 3.4 In the bicycle store behind Billton (go into the window of Billton, then into the other window in that room), we see an employee of the store in red and Alex. Alex works in the bar and is showing her messages to a police officer.
    Hint 3.5 Using the sheet we found in June's flat, the rest of the messages of Alex with Kate reads:
    Kate: Good thing we memorized that cipher then
    Alex: 😣😣😣
    Alex: Btw did u c him? He's not walking the dog
    Kate: Hyatt saw him today in the store accross M38
    Hint 3.6 The leftmost flat of lowest floor of Mariland 38 has a mirror, in which we see a store that's reflected. The messages of the employee reveals that someone who lives in Mariland *9 has dropped their phone. (The first digit of *9 is obscured by a crack on the screen.)
  • Solution From Hints 2.2 and 3.6 we have mentions of Mariland 5* and Mariland *9. When you look into the leftmost room of the second floor of Mariland 59, you'll have found the culprit's room. The culprit is Cam, the boy walking his dog in the park. He had seen the message from Kate to Alex saying that she'll visit the bar with her BF (she mistyped BFF) and he thought that Hyatt will go to the bar so he sneaks in poison cubes. When Kate and June go to the bar, June drinks her cocktail before the ice melts so she doesn't get poisoned.
Updated 25 days ago
Published 27 days ago
TagsDetective, Game Maker's Toolkit Jam, svelte

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