Separate loaded dice from fair ones. Basically Among Us... Among ... Dice?

Your job is to test dice by rolling them to determine if they're fair. But tests have a cost so you can't do too much, though mislabeling may cost you more... The rates of improbable events - like a fair die consequently rolling the same number many times - determine your fate.

 "Unexpected things happen more often than you'd expect."

 -Someone named Plautus I guess? (found no verifiable sources on this one 🤷‍♂️)

This is a remake of Catch the Cheaters by Primer, but with dice instead of coins.

Made in 48 hours for the GMTK Game Jam 2022.

External Art: The original (non-pixelated) version of the dice photo on the title screen is by Willi Heidelbach from PxHere. Title screen text generated using Canva. The other dice picture is taken from the game jam's theme logo.


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Looks beautiful. And cool game concept btw.

I like the effects!

Hey I like the game :)